Mecha Galaxy Wiki

Medium Mecha start to become available at Level 12.  Once players reach Level 14 or 15, medium Mecha become essential to their continued success.  The Oggun and Fides could be also described as "light heavies", since at 50 tons, players need several points in the "Heavy" skill to use them.



Trooper (30 tons, 50 niodes): See the Trooper article.

iMech (30 tons, 40 crystals): See the iMech article.

Banshee (30 tons, 55 niodes): Banshees focus on missile weapons, adding extra Splash to any weapon they carry. Like the Commissar, this class was designed by the extra-dimensional "Unification Army", so it might count as a special Mecha.

Orcus (35 tons, 70 niodes): See the Orcus article.

Keradon (35 tons, 70 niodes): See the Keradon article.

Holmes (35 tons, 70 crystals): See the Holmes article.

Buccaneer (40 tons, 75 niodes): A laser specialist, with a small chance to deal double damage. According to their in-game lore, Buccaneers were meant as command and sniper units for the Shogunate and the Cogwerk Planets.

Nifthel (40 tons, 80 crystals): See the Nifthel article.

Dread (45 tons, 90 niodes): See the Dread article.

Luison (45 tons, 100 crystals): See the Luison article.

Fides (50 tons, 100 niodes): See the Fides article.

Oggun (50 tons, 120 crystals): See the Oggun article.
